Monday, May 5, 2008

F.U.R.K. (Fuck You RapidKL)

Never in my life have I ever need to wait for a bus for nearly two hours! Thanks to RapidKL and Metrobus, only in West Malaysia you get this kind of fucking service! Rapid indeed! And guess what, after two painful hours of waiting and wasting my time standing like a fool in the middle of nowhere, the bus never came and I have to take a taxi.

And as you've read from my previous post about the best and most luxurious taxi service in the whole world, you'd know that only in West Malaysia you can get the best service. West Malaysia, Truly The Best!!! Seriously, I wonder what the tourists would think of this kind of service. Oh yeah, I forgot. There's another bunch of taxis that help to protect the good name of West Malaysia. They go around being so kind to the tourists and so polite and well, you get it! Polish shoes all the way!

And we Malaysians, it's just too bad we're not fair-skinned and light-haired (Jinjang bengs and lians notwithstanding, sorry fellas!).

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