Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hillary Rodham Clinton For President!

Even though I'm not an American, I'm really hoping that Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the country's new president. I really admire her and she's really an inspiration to me. Below is an article about her that I wrote for a local newspaper here in Malaysia back in 2005. Now that I've got a blog, I'm really glad that I'm able to share it with all of you! So, here goes...

In about three years’ time, one of the world’s largest countries – the United States of America, could have their first ever female President. Is this possible, you may ask. If the little girl from Chicago who never thought she would become First Lady would consider running for Office, then nothing is impossible. In this world of chaos and endless wars, it would be a welcome relieve for a woman who dedicates her whole life to the betterment of women and children worldwide to become one of the leaders of the world. This woman has touched the lives of so many through her eight years in the White House and now, as a U.S. Senator from New York, her enthusiasm and passion is a tale of unsurpassed hope and love.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 to loving parents, Dorothy Howell Rodham and Hugh E. Rodham. Being the eldest child and only girl of a middle-class, Midwestern family, her parents never denied her of any privileges she deserved but they also made her work hard for all her dreams that she aimed to achieve. Her father owned a small business while her mother was a homemaker whose days revolved around the family. The challenges that her parents had to endure set a great example for her to always strive for the best and never look at failure as an option in life. It is because of this earnest behaviour and her level-headedness that sees her as an inspiration to many around the world, yours truly included.

In the opening lines of her memoirs, “Living History”, Hillary Rodham Clinton declared – “I wasn’t born a First Lady or a Senator…I was born an American in the middle of the twentieth century, a fortunate time and place.” A woman who was never afraid to speak her mind and most importantly, a woman who gave her best in all the things she does, she went to Wellesley College to further her education after grade school. Knowing her constant struggles with mathematics and geology, she gave up the idea of becoming a doctor or a scientist in its entirety. Medicine and science might have lost a valuable asset but it is safe to say that law and the world has gained an extraordinary leader. Her experiences in life have facilitated her transformation from Goldwater Girl to student activist to controversial First Lady to U.S. Senator.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a fighter and the champion of human rights. She has gone through all kinds of predicaments and dilemmas and each time, she sailed through smoothly and she always came out stronger and bolder. The old saying goes, “whatever that does not kill you will only make you stronger.” It is very apt to say that she is a pioneer in everything she does. After Wellesley College, she had the choice of either attending Yale or Harvard. Bewildered, she thought she would never be able to make the right decision but after attending an event at Harvard, she unanimously chose Yale when one professor told her Harvard did not need anymore female students in their university. Truthfully, if I were that professor, I would have slapped myself in the face real hard. Nevertheless, in 1969, she was one of twenty seven women out of 235 students who entered Yale Law School that year.

It is unfair to say that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s future took shape during her years at Yale because her future is constantly charted throughout her glorious life. Nonetheless, this was the place that she met her husband, “the Viking who had just returned from Oxford”, William Jefferson Clinton. It is also during the years to come that she made all of her important decisions in life – marrying the 42nd President of the United States of America, following him back to Arkansas and hence, becoming the First Lady of Arkansas as well as the First Lady of the United States of America. The marriage of two of the world’s brightest and most intelligent people is a match made in heaven, a union of sorts that will make anyone feel proud to be part of it. With the blessing of Chelsea Victoria Clinton, the former First Family is complete and absolute.

Not just a pioneer, Hillary Rodham Clinton is also a survivor. Never one for failures and disappointments, she lived through great political wars during her years in the White House, from Whitewater to Monica Lewinsky to the near impeachment of her husband. Her enemies wanted her to quit and give up but she never faltered not even a single time through all her hard times. A woman who deserves all the adulation and admiration from many across the world, she sets a high standard for many First Ladies to come and perhaps, for many women leaders as well. She showed the world the ideal way to prosper and she steered many towards success and victory. The exaltation she received is just a mere justification to the many tireless works and supports she has given to so many.

A pioneer, a survivor, a champion, a leader, a First Lady, a Senator, a lawyer, an advocate and so many other astonishing words proves to the world just how great a woman Hillary Rodham Clinton is. She sets milestones and accomplished so many firsts in her life. She is the only First Lady in history to play an active and major role in shaping domestic legislation. She is the first First Lady to be elected into U.S. Senate. She travelled extensively throughout the world to champion the rights of women and children and fought for better healthcare and educational opportunities. She is a selfless, independent and successful woman who, with utmost humility, always finds the most fitting way to define herself as a woman, an icon and a formidable figure in the world. So, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, I salute you and please would you consider running for President of the United States of America in 2008. The world needs someone like you to guide us in these turbulent and tumultuous times of desperation.

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