Friday, December 28, 2007

Time Person Of The Year 2007

I read about this in the newspaper quite awhile ago.

Anyway, I just bought the magazine today. I feel that I have just got to write something about this here because I was glad to know that Al Gore and J.K. Rowling are the runners-up in this year's list.

After winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and now the runner-up position of Person Of The Year, I guess what Al Gore has done so far for the world and the environment is finally achieving fruitful results. Anyway, I will be writing more about this because it is kinda late now and I just thought of sharing this news with all of you.

By the way, the Person Of The Year is the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. If it were according to me, I would have awarded this year's title to either Al Gore or J.K. Rowling. But since it is not, well, I will just have to live with it and perhaps agree as well.

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